So proud to introduce you...
He has reached the end! Our website has existed for 6 seasons.
It was time to do it again.
At the end of last summer, with our transition to 4 stars, we decided to redo a new website.
And as if by fate, in mid-January it got hacked.
Even after calling a company to solve the problem for us. We have not been able to remove this virus.
Unfortunately, our future site, which was under construction, was still not ready, so we had to create a temporary website. And after hours and hours of work, we got something about right.
But today, we are very proud to present to you our new, brand new, beautiful website. It is more modern, more dynamic, more responsible, made in our image.
Yes, it is surprising, it does not look like other websites found in tourism, but that is like the Domaine du Coq Rouge which does not look like anyone else. We hope you will like it, that it is as functional and intuitive as ever, that it provides you with all the information you need to book your stay with us.
We also have a great novelty, you will find on its home page, Les infos Coco, it will be a space where we will give news, tourist information, we will deal with subjects such as naturism, craftsmen, traders and villages. that surround us. But also tourism in general, camping activities, the NatCo Club, in short, you will have understood, we have plenty of subjects to write about.
For the moment, there is only the French part, but the translations in English and Dutch will come very quickly.
Please feel free to give us feedback on our website to help us improve it.
See you soon for new adventures!
Sandrine & Sebastian
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